Translation of "Became convinced" in German

And so the authorities became convinced that this smell was this problem.
Die Behörden waren also überzeugt, dass der Gestank das Problem war.
TED2013 v1.1

By Christmas even Sergeant Theron became convinced of my innocence.
Weihnachten war sogar Sergeant Theron überzeugt.
OpenSubtitles v2018

He became convinced the flight was cursed.
Er war davon überzeugt, dass der Flug verflucht war.
OpenSubtitles v2018

He became convinced that it was Sean.
Er war davon überzeugt, dass es Sean war.
OpenSubtitles v2018

He became convinced that there could be a good market for this product in South America.
Er war überzeugt, dass dieses Produkt in Südamerika gute Marktchancen hätte.
EUbookshop v2

That's why I became convinced that he had to be involved.
Deswegen war ich überzeugt, dass er damit zu tun haben muss.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Soon afterwards, she became convinced of her calling to missionary work.
Bald darauf war sie sich ihrer Berufung in die Missionsarbeit sicher.
Wikipedia v1.0

So, in the end, the couple became convinced of the disadvantages of all these things.
Letztendlich war das Paar von den Nachteilen all dieser Dinge überzeugt.
ParaCrawl v7.1

We became convinced that we should establish a Syrian National Council.
Wir gelangten zu der Überzeugung, einen Syrischen Nationalrat zu gründen.
ParaCrawl v7.1

I became ever more convinced that the democratic process was in peril.
Ich wurde überhaupt überzeugt, daß der demokratische Prozeß in der Gefahr war.
ParaCrawl v7.1

Perhaps that is why she became a convinced socialist.
Vielleicht wurde sie auch deshalb eine überzeugte Sozialistin.
ParaCrawl v7.1

And Dick became convinced at some point that he and I had some kind of similarity of personality.
Und Dick war irgendwie davon überzeugt, dass wir eine Art Ähnlichkeit in unseren Persönlichkeiten hatten.
TED2013 v1.1

I became convinced of this through my conversations with railway officials both in the Community and in countries outside it.
Ich habe mich davon in Ge sprächen mit Eisenbahnern der Gemeinschaft und aus Drittländern überzeugt.
EUbookshop v2

So I investigated further and I became convinced that the DA was planting evidence.
Nach genauer Recherche kam ich zu der Überzeugung... dass der Staatsanwalt Beweise untergeschoben hat.
OpenSubtitles v2018

But if you became convinced that you were wrong... you'd be man enough to admit it.
Wenn Sie von Ihrem Irrtum überzeugt wären, wären Sie Manns genug, es zuzugeben?
OpenSubtitles v2018

He became convinced his writing was real, not fiction, then the work stopped coming.
Er war überzeugt, dass sein Roman Wirklichkeit war. Dann lieferte er keine Arbeit mehr ab.
OpenSubtitles v2018