Translation of "Cannoneer" in German

We have a cannoneer who doesn't have to see a target to hit it.
Unser Kanonier trifft, ohne das Ziel zu sehen.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Prove to all that you are a true cannoneer!
Beweise allen, dass du ein echter Kanonier bist!
ParaCrawl v7.1

In those times I was a simple cannoneer.
Ich war damals noch schlichter Kanonier.
ParaCrawl v7.1

And let the kettle to the trumpet speak, the trumpet to the cannoneer without... the cannons to the heavens, the heaven to earth:
Lasst die Trompete zur Pauke sprechen, die Pauke zu dem Kanonier hinaus, zum Himmel das Geschütz, den Himmel zur Erde!
OpenSubtitles v2018