Translation of "School graduation" in German

Yeah, that's Sara and her sister there at their high school graduation.
Ja, das sind Sara und ihre Schwester da zum Highschool-Abschluss.
OpenSubtitles v2018

He didn't even skip that meeting for my high school graduation.
Das hat er bei meinem Highschool- Abschluss jedenfalls nicht getan.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Look, I know it's childish, but when he didn't show up for my high school graduation, it hurt.
Dass er nicht zu meinem Abschluss gekommen ist, hat mir wehgetan.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Many of the students leave school before graduation.
Allerdings verlassen viele Schüler die Schule ohne Abschluss.
WikiMatrix v1

Wear the suit you wore for your high school graduation.
Zieh einfach den Anzug an, den du zum Highschool-Abschluss getragen hast.
OpenSubtitles v2018

My burn patient really wants to go to his high school graduation this weekend.
Mein Verbrennungspatient will dieses Wochenende unbedingt zu seinem High School Abschluss gehen.
OpenSubtitles v2018