Translation of "Air raid" in German

Nobody knows what the consequences would be of an air raid.
Niemand weiß, was auf einen Luftangriff folgt.
Europarl v8

" In February 1944 his home in Berlin was completely destroyed by an air raid, annihilating all his scientific records and correspondence.
Im Februar 1944 wurde sein Haus in Berlin durch einen Luftangriff völlig zerstört.
Wikipedia v1.0

Quite a night! Reminds me of an air raid once that hit me in Chungking.
Erinnert mich an einen Luftangriff in Chongqing.
OpenSubtitles v2018

When the air raid started they took off.
Als der Luftangriff losging, zogen sie ab.
OpenSubtitles v2018

Maybe. Just yell, "Air raid".
Schreien Sie doch "Luftangriff".
OpenSubtitles v2018